Evan served as professional coach for me during two separate 6-month periods. He helped me in many respects, but I will just mention a few. First, he helped me to become more self aware, specifically bringing some blind spots that were holding me back, to light. Next we worked on developing the habits that would bring about true change. My effectiveness as a manager improved significantly as measured by employee engagement and development and improved results against goals and objectives. More importantly, I came to see my career in a different light. Rather than just working myself to death in a desperate measure to climb the corporate ladder, I now come in to work at peace, happy and confident that I will achieve great things and make a real difference to the company. The little things, like office politics, used to crush me emotionally, but now I see them objectively and navigate appropriately. Evan’s coaching style will undoubtedly improve your career trajectory, but more important, it will change your life.