+ 303.601.7580

Got Energy?

The corporate world can be a place where energy gets systemically depleted. In fact, 85% of the world lives in “catabolic energy”, where stress, limiting beliefs, and negative thinking pervade the organizational culture. I know countless corporate leaders that are struggling with workplace demands, not realizing that solutions are around the corner and attainable. By working with me as your executive coach, I can help you shift your energy to work for you (otherwise known as “anabolic energy”) not only in the workplace, but also in other areas of your life.

At the beginning of the coaching relationship, virtually all of my clients are not aware of their own energy levels – when they act or think like victims or when their behaviors are rooted in an internal or external conflict. These catabolic energy levels can keep us from living life fully, seeing all aspects of life as opportunities, and can preclude us from reaching our full potential, both professionally and personally.

The GREAT news is that it does not need to be that way! I will introduce you to methods and approaches to increase your awareness, engagement, and energy through coaching.

As an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, I’ll guide you through a proprietary assessment that reveals your energetic DNA. With that knowledge, we can dramatically shorten the time to results – and for a busy executive like you, I know that is worth a lot.

Click for more information on the Core Energy Process.

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